Effet de Différents Niveaux de Adansonia digitata sur les Performances de Reproduction et de Croissance Pré-sevrage des Cochons d’Inde

Author Details

Floriane Diane Ndonkou, Jules Lemoufouet, Mekuiko Watsop Hippolyte, Miegoue Emile, Mama Mouchili, David Wauffo Fokom, Evariste Taboumda, et Fernand Tendonkeng

Journal Details


Published: 24 March 2022 | Article Type :


For a better use of Adansonia digitata (Baobab) grains as source of protein in the feed of guinea pig, an experimental trial was done at the Research Unit in Animal Production and Nutrition (URPRONAN) of the University of Dschang between June 2020 and September 2021. A total of 105 guinea pigs, among other 90 females and 15 males of 5 months old, born at the FAR and weighing averagely 450 ±50 g, were ranked in 5 processings (R0 ; R5 ; R10 ; R15 and R20) of 18 females each, corresponding to 5 rations which contained 0; 5; 10; 15; and 20 % of toasted baobab grains. Identified by rings, the animals were put into stalls for 31 days, with a sex ratio of 6 females for 1 male. Afterwards, each newborn was identified then being weighed after every 7 days, until weaning (21 days). The incorporation of toasted Adansonia digitata grains has boosted (p < 0,05) the reproduction parameters except that of pre-weaning mortality rate, whatever the level. With the incorporation, the fertility rate was 100 %. The highest (16%) pre-weaning mortality rate was obtained in the R0 ration. Following sex, piglets taking ration R15 portrayed the highest weights (147, 20 g for males and 133, 90 g for females) during weaning. On the contrary, the lightest weights were obtained with those of ration R10 (125,10 g for males and 125,20g for females) during weaning. The highest total gains (49,55 g) and daily average gains (2,35 g) were observed in ration R15. Therefore, the incorporation of 15% of toasted Adansonia digitata grain powder into the ration helped in the regular weight increase of animals during the pre-weaning growth stage.

Keywords: Caviaporcellus, performance de reproduction, croissance pré-sevrage

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Floriane Diane Ndonkou, Jules Lemoufouet, Mekuiko Watsop Hippolyte, Miegoue Emile, Mama Mouchili, David Wauffo Fokom, Evariste Taboumda, et Fernand Tendonkeng. (2022-03-24). "Effet de Différents Niveaux de Adansonia digitata sur les Performances de Reproduction et de Croissance Pré-sevrage des Cochons d’Inde." *Volume 6*, 1, 12-21